Flag put’s your data to work for you. in a personal, private, secure web stream. It's the only data aggregation system
that allows you to save and filter information
derived from your daily digital interactions.

Thousands of companies and organizations are tracking your every move; digitally and physically. This information is then bought and sold, marketed, and exploited for the gain of others.
What if we had access to that data? What if we could "track ourselves" so to speak. That is flag.
What if we had access to that data? What if we could "track ourselves" so to speak. That is flag.

The main system serves as a visual representation of all the raw data you produce using various digital devices and services. This information is streamed live into the web display. There is no offline mode, there is no back-up saved. Each tile is simply an interactive link to the original data, regardless of it's source. If the source changes or is updated, so will the tile.

With a variety of features built into a responsive web design, the application is light, and robust without any bloat or heavy processing. This makes it ideal for tablet and mobile use.

And if you want to make sure that a certain restaurant, event, or contact gets saved to your system you can use your camera to scan an image much like a QR code, and the recognition software will trigger a pop-up allowing you to add that data.

How often have you forgotten that great place you ate, or where you got those shoes for such a good deal. Well, Google, Facebook, and Verizon remember. Shouldn't you have access to that data as well? Really this is the spirit of Flag. Staking a claim, making a mark, participating in the data revolution.
Here is a video of the full prototype that was developed, along with a PDF about the project. Working on this project was a rigorous but rewarding process. Over the eight months I put into it I really learned a lot about proper design thinking; researching, discovering, and solving problems that are heretofore unknown. It was a unique experience, that will not soon be forgotten.